We’re inspired by the beautiful landscapes of Western Australia, our rugged coastline and stunning beaches that speak of our unique Australian lifestyle and how this enhances our lives experiences with family and friends. We’re passionate about great design and how beautiful spaces and the arts work together. We’re excited and motivated to work with our clients, finding solutions for their home lifestyle.

Josie – Showroom Manager
Favourite animal: Cat
Favourite colour: Sage green
Place I would most like to visit: Tuscany
Style icon I am most inspired by: Giorgio Morandi (artist)
Favourite Globewest Collection: Artie
Favourite Globewest Item: Artie Buffet Eucalyptus
Favourite Season: Summer

Michelle – Showroom Consultant
Favourite animal: Owl
Favourite colour: Green
Place I would most like to visit: Egypt
Style icon I am most inspired by: Degraves Street, Melbourne
Favourite Globewest Collection: Benjamin
Favourite Globewest Item: Mimi Dining Chair
Favourite Season: Autumn

Claudia – Showroom Consultant
Favourite animal: Elephant
Favourite colour: Purple
Place I would most like to visit: Amalfi Coast
Style icon I am most inspired by: Tuscan-style Italian Villas
Favourite Globewest Collection: Elle
Favourite Globewest Item: Classique Oval Dining Table
Favourite Season: Spring

Holly – Co-founder
Favourite animal: Elephant
Favourite colour: Green
Place I would most like to visit: Prague
Style icon I am most inspired by: Audrey Hepburn
Favourite Globewest Collection: Charleston
Favourite Globewest Item: Bloom Dining Table
Favourite Season: Winter

“ We’re passionate about great design and how beautiful spaces and the arts work together.”
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